Rosseti is ready to develop cooperation in the eastern and southern directions

MOSCOW, 13 Oct – PRIME. At the REW-2022 session dedicated to the role of energy in the formation of the Greater Eurasian Partnership, Andrey Ryumin, General Director of PJSC Rosseti, spoke about the company’s urgent tasks to expand international cooperation.

The session was attended by the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Nikolai Shulginov, Member of the Board (Minister) for Energy and Infrastructure of the Eurasian Economic Commission Arzybek Kozhoshev, Deputy Minister of the Oil Industry of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ahmad Asadzadeh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Shafkat Ali Khan, Head of the System Operator Fyodor Opadchiy .

Ryumin noted that the active development of the states of Greater Eurasia creates additional challenges for the energy industry, including in terms of reliability and meeting the growing demand for electricity. To solve them, it will be necessary to build new network and generating capacities. In such conditions, long-term planning for the development of the energy systems of each country and the macro-region as a whole comes to the fore, which must be balanced by types of resources and take into account increasing consumption.

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“For the stable growth of the economies of the states of Greater Eurasia, understandable and predictable long-term parameters of the cost and reliability of electricity supplies are needed. An important role here is played by the strengthening of intersystem ties between countries, which makes it possible to carry out the functions of redundancy and emergency mutual assistance, contributing to the expansion of technological cooperation,” the head of Rosseti emphasized.

He noted that in recent years the company has significantly increased investments in the Southern and Far Eastern federal districts of Russia. A significant part of the activities is related to the development of the main complex and the issuance of new generation capacity. A number of projects have also been implemented to expand cross-border corridors.

In addition, Ryumin drew attention to the fact that the company has the opportunity to exchange experience, train personnel, and joint projects with companies from states where energy systems are historically based on standards similar to Russia, for example, with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In addition, an urgent task is to strengthen cooperation in the innovation sphere with China, India and other countries of the macroregion.

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Rosseti is one of the largest electric grid companies in the world. The Rosseti property complex includes 35 subsidiaries and affiliates operating in 78 regions of Russia. PJSC Rosseti includes such subsidiaries and affiliates as Rosseti FGC UES, Rosseti Yug, Rosseti Tyumen, Rosseti Center and Volga Region, Rosseti Moscow Region, Rosseti Ural and others.