RusHydro’s investments in energy facilities of the Far Eastern Federal District grew by 45% in 2022

MOSCOW, 8 Sep — PRIME. RusHydro in 2022 increased funding for repairs and modernization of Far Eastern energy facilities by 45% compared to last year, to 41.9 billion rubles, the company reports.

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“All facilities of the RusHydro group located on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District are actively preparing for the upcoming heating season. The volume of financing for the repair and modernization of energy facilities was increased by 45% compared to the previous year – up to 41.9 billion rubles,” – says in the message following the meeting of the Federal Headquarters for the preparation of electric power entities of the Far Eastern Federal District for the passage of the heating season 2022-2023.

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The company also notes that the renovations are progressing as scheduled and will be completed by November 1, 2022.

“The increase in financing for repairs and modernization of equipment has reduced the accident rate at power facilities. Thus, the accident rate at hydroelectric power plants has decreased by 17%, in electrical networks with a voltage of 110 kV and above – by 7%, with a voltage of 6-35 kV – by 17%,” the data cites RusHydro.

The company also notes that the delivery of fuel to isolated energy systems with limited transport accessibility (Yakutia, Magadan region, Kamchatka, Chukotka) is on schedule. The supply of fuel as part of the northern delivery of 2021 is 100% contracted.

The reserves of water resources in the reservoirs of the Far Eastern hydroelectric power stations “RusHydro” correspond to the average long-term values. “At the cascade of the Vilyui hydroelectric power plants, after a thirteen-year dry period, the inflow has significantly increased; in August of this year, the monthly volume of water inflow reached its maximum value for the entire observation period and amounted to 9.2 cubic kilometers, which made it possible to completely fill the Vilyui reservoir and will allow, due to increased generation of the cascade, to optimize loading of thermal power plants in the Yakutsk energy system,” the company explained.

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