Sitronics registered the first domestic ship control system

MOSCOW, 25 Oct – PRIME. Sitronics JSC has developed and registered the first Russian ship traffic control system, the company’s press service reported.

Sitronics presented domestic solutions for autonomous navigation

“The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping has issued a certificate to the Sitronics Group for the Russian ship traffic control system developed by the company. The hardware and software complex has passed test tests in the Leningrad Region … This is the first completely domestic system certified by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping,” the release says.

Representatives of the company explained that the vessel traffic control system (VTS) is used in water areas with active cargo and passenger navigation to safely pass objects, control their movement and position at anchorages, monitor straits and areas adjacent to oil and gas production platforms.

VTS includes radar, dispatching equipment and special software. The system is installed on the shore or on fixed offshore facilities to receive vessel position data, their speed, heading and position. The dispatcher is assigned to a certain group of ships and ensures the safety of their passage to the port area.

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One of the main components of the VTS, the radar, which provides information to the dispatching system, was created on a domestic component base. The software was written by the developers of Sitronics Group (part of AFK Sistema). The Sitronics Group VTS has been tested on the coast of the Gulf of Finland. And according to the vice-president for software products and solutions of Sitronics Group Pavel Dreiger, all ports of the Russian Federation, as well as coastal areas with active shipping, should be equipped with a vessel traffic control system.

“The new software and hardware complex is completely Russian, belongs to the class of critical infrastructure and helps to solve the problem of achieving the technological sovereignty of the country. In addition, our system has an export potential, since the requirements of the Russian Maritime Register are more stringent than in most other countries,” — Dreiger concluded.