The expert believes that the IAEA mission to the Zaporozhye NPP will not be easy

MOSCOW, 29 Aug — PRIME. The decision to send the IAEA mission is positive news, but there is a risk that the West will use all the mechanisms available to it to present everything in a favorable way, Deputy Director of the CIS Institute Vladimir Zharikhin said in a comment to RIA Novosti.

Zaporozhye believes that the IAEA visit to the ZNPP caused panic in Kyiv

Earlier, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi said that the organization’s mission is heading to the Zaporozhye NPP and will arrive on site this week.

“On the one hand, this is, of course, a positive decision, because this nuclear blackmail by Ukraine must be limited. The IAEA mission must clearly state that any shelling of a nuclear power plant is an unacceptable thing. But the West turns everything inside out, it says: “Yes, they are shooting, because this station is controlled by Russian troops, and this can be radically stopped if Russia leaves the ZNPP.” That is, those who are fired upon are to blame,” Zharikhin said.

He mentioned the situation with the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which was eventually returned under the control of Ukraine, which, according to him, Ukraine will refer to, arguing that when the ZNPP is returned to the control of Ukraine, the security situation will normalize.

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“It’s good that there will be a mission, but it will not be easy. And, of course, the West will use its influence, including in the IAEA. I don’t really hope for the objectivity of the commission that will go there,” the expert concluded.