How to Easily Upload Private Photos and Create an Album on Badoo

conocer personas subiendo fotos en badoo

How to Easily Upload Private Photos and Create an Album on Badoo

More and more people download the Badoo App and add all kinds of photos to capture the attention of others. However, like any social network, it gives you the possibility of having private content. In this way we will let you know everything you need to keep the photographs of your choice hidden.

Steps to upload images to Badoo

Uploading images is one of the best tips for flirting like a Badoo expert. The process is very easy, but it changes a bit depending on whether you do it from your mobile or if you do it from your computer, then we show you both methods.

From the cellphone

Badoo has its own mobile application, which you can download from the Play Store or from the Apple App Store. It will be necessary to use this application to complete the process and upload images correctly.

  • Launch the application and provide your account details to log in. Once you are in your account, go to the bottom right and click on the your profile icon.
  • At the top, right next to your profile picture, you’ll find a camera-shaped icon. If you click on that camera, you will be able to add photos to your Badoo profile. The mobile may require activate some permissions to select photos.
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In the web

  • First, go to the Badoo page, provide your details and log in.
  • After entering the platform, you will be taken to the meeting page. In any case, to upload the photograph, the first thing is to press on your profileTo do this, simply click on your photo located above and to the left.
  • By doing so you will be directed to your profile. Here you will see the option ‘Add photos’, click on this option and then select ‘Add photos from your computer’. Select the photos you want to upload and click on ‘Open’. To finish the process, click on ‘Continue’.

How to make images private

Badoo has evolved a lot, in fact, it undergoes a change that made it go from a kind of Facebook to something else similar a Tinder. Understanding this, there really is no way to make the images private. In any case, there is the option to make your hidden profile invisible. To do this, it will be necessary to activate the invisible mode.

  • You can activate stealth mode by going to the application settings options.
  • Once you’re there, scroll down to the ‘Stealth Mode’ section and select the option ‘Hide my profile from other users’. However, keep in mind that to activate this option you must pay for the Badoo Premium service.
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How to view private photos on Badoo

Since Badoo turned to focus on the dating system, does not have the classic private albums. Hence, there really is no way to view private photos on Badoo, as they just don’t exist. In any case, understanding the current nature of the website, they are not necessary either.

Procedure to create an album and add the photos

Badoo does not feature an album system, since all the photographs are uploaded to the same place. In any case, it is important that you take into account some things, firstly, the platform requires that you upload your photographs and that they do not contain inappropriate content.

trick to upload private photos to badoo

The process to upload the photos is as we showed you before. That is, log in on your mobile or computer, go to your profile and select the camera icon to upload photos. Of course, do not upload photos of other people or that violate the rules of the site.

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By doing the above you can add images to your account. Now it only remains to know the secrets to be more popular and get more matches. In any case, uploading photos on the Badoo platform is the first step to being successful on the page.

Can a person be blocked from seeing my photos?

Yes, Badoo provides the option to lock profiles In the event that a person does not like you or has been rude to you. Clearly you should not abuse this option, so use it only when another user has made a mistake.

  • All you have to do is go to the profile of that person.
  • Once there, press on the three points located above and to the right and select the ‘Block’ option.
  • The application / website will ask for confirmation for this option, confirm and you will already have that person blocked.