How to fix Discord issue picking up game audio

Mínimo de activación de micrófono

How to fix Discord issue picking up game audio

Discord has become quite the ‘Facebook for gamers’ in recent years due to its cool and useful features. If you use Discord a lot, you may notice that it sometimes picks up the game’s audio stream quite unnecessarily. This can cause problems in your regular friendly chat in chat rooms or can even mess up your video stream. Do not worry. There are some quick fixes that can fix this issue in no time and Discord will be up and running normally in no time.

alternative solutions

1. Disconnect all unnecessary input devices. Then restart the Discord app and check again.

2. Restart the system. Then try if this works.

Solution 1 – Disable all other microphones

You have to disable all other microphone devices on your computer.

Paso 1

1. At first, press the button Tecla de Windows+R keys together.

2. Then type “mmsys.cpl” and click “OK“.

3. When the Sound panel opens, go to «Recording” tab.

4. Here, you will notice several microphone devices. Now, right click on the microphone device you are using and tap «Let” to enable it.

6. After enabling the microphone, right-click on it and tap «Set as default device“.

Microphone settings at least default

7. Now, right click on all other devices one by one and tap «Deactivate” to disable them sequentially.

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Make sure you have disabled all other recording devices (such as Online, stereo mixetc).

Disable all other microphone devices Min.

8. Finally, tap on “Request” Y “OK” to save these changes.

Apply Ok Min.

Paso 2

If Discord is not using this microphone device as default, you need to set it to use the default device.

1. At first, open the Discord app on your system.

2. Then, in the left corner, touch the gear-shaped icon to access Discord settings.

Gear Shape Minimal Discord

3. Now, on the left side, tap on the “voice and video“.

4. After that, in the ‘OUTPUT DEVICE’ section, tap on the dropdown icon and choose «Default” of the list.

Default output device Min.

5. Then set the ‘INPUT DEVICE’ to “Default” settings, again.

Default input device Min.

After that, close the Discord app and restart it. Check if Discord is working properly or not.

Solution 2 – Modify advanced microphone settings

Discord may not be able to take exclusive control of the microphone.

1. At first, press the button Tecla de Windows+R keys together.

2. Then type “mmsys.cpl” and click “OK” to open the Sound panel.

Mmsys Cpl Enter min.

3. Now, go to “Recording” tab.

4. After that, right-tap on the microphone device and tap «Properties” to access it.

Microphone accessories again Min

5. When the Microphone Properties open, go to «Listen” tab.

6. After that, Mark off the “listen to this deviceand” cashew.

Listen to this device Uncheck Min

6. Now, go to “Advanced” tab.

7. After that, in the ‘Exclusive Mode’ section, cheque the “Allow apps to take exclusive control of this device” and the “Prioritize apps exclusively” options.

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Allow apps to take an exclusive minimum

7. Finally, tap on “Request” Y “OK” to save the changes.

Apply Ok Min.

Close Discord, if you have already opened it. Then restart it again. Try if this solution works or not.

Solution 3 – Update your sound card

The sound card update fixed this issue for many users.

1. At first, press the button Tecla de Windows+X keys together.

2. Then touch the button “Device administrator” to access Device Manager.

Minimal Device Manager

3. When Device Manager opens, go to «Sound, video and game controllers” to view all audio devices.

4. Then right-click on the audio device you are currently using and tap «update driver“.

Update sound minimum

5. Now, click on “Automatically search for drivers“.

Automatically find minimum

After Windows verifies and installs the latest audio driver, close Device Manager and restart the device.

After the computer restarts, try the Discord app. It won’t pick up any unnecessary game audio at all.

Solution 4 – Uninstall the sound card and restart

If updating your sound card doesn’t help resolve the issue, uninstalling your sound driver and rebooting your device should work.

1. At first, right click on the tecla de windows and click on the «Device administrator“.

Minimal Device Manager

3. Once Device Manager opens, click on «Sound, video and game controllers” section.

4. Next, right-click on the audio controller that is currently in use and tap «uninstall device“.

Uninstall minimal audio device

5. Finally, click on “uninstall” again to confirm the uninstall process.


This should uninstall the

Once you are done, close the Device Manager window and restart your machine once.

When the system boots, Windows detects and reinstalls the uninstalled sound card driver. Once you are logged in, please check whether the audio device is working or not.

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Then launch a game, open the Discord app and see if this resolves your issue.

Solution 5 – Reinstall the Discord app

If nothing has worked for you so far, uninstall and reinstall the Discord app.

1. At first, press the button Tecla de Windows+X keys together.

2. Then touch the button “Apps and features“.

Apps and minimal features

This will open the list of apps in Settings.

3. On the Settings page, on the right side, scroll down to find the “Discordapplication.

4. Then tap on the three points menu () and click “uninstall“.

Minimal Discord Uninstall

5. After that, tap «uninstall” to uninstall the Discord app.

Now, follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall Discord app from the system. Once you’ve done that, close Settings.

After uninstalling the app, restart the computer.

1. Once the device boots up, download the Discord app set up on your system.

2. Then, double touch about him “DiscordSettings” to access it.

discordia dc min

3. Then just wait for the Discord app to install.

This will fix things and Discord should work normally.

Your problem should be solved.