How To Fix Fortnite If It Doesn’t Work On My iPhone – Step By Step Tutorial

How To Fix Fortnite If It Doesn't Work On My iPhone - Step By Step Tutorial

How To Fix Fortnite If It Doesn’t Work On My iPhone – Step By Step Tutorial

Currently the most popular video game is undoubtedly Fortnite. Much of its success is mainly due to the fact that it is playable in virtually any device (including Apple devices).

You can play Fortnite without any problem on an iPhone, however the game can give you problems like any other app– From minor bugs to really annoying ones or even crashing completely.

In case your failures appear on Windows or Mac computers, we have a detailed tutorial about it for fix these faults.

What are the requirements to download Fortnite on an iPhone device?

For an iPhone to be able to move Fortnite without errors, it must have the iOS version 11 or later. As for models: an iPhone 5S or higher will be able to move the game.

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Of course, these are the oldest supported mobile and operating system versions so there are no guarantees of optimal performance. The more updated The better the device, the better the performance and it is also recommended to update to the latest iOS version supported by the device.

What can I do if Fortnite doesn’t work on my iPhone?

First: if your iPhone is jailbroken, this tutorial will not help you. If not, then I invite you to read all the potential solutions available to your problem:

Check compatibility

As for the operating system, from iOS version 13.2 you will be able to play Fortnite, however the most recommended is update to the latest version. You can visit our tutorial on how to automatically update your iPhone applications for more information.

While supported devices They are: iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPad Mini 4, iPad 2017 and iPad Pro.

Using the iOS versions and the devices mentioned do not there should be a problem compatibility or poor performance. Fornite’s official page also provides information in this regard.

Check your WiFi connection

Fortnite is a multiplayer game, so a poor connection will lead to poor performance. The internet connection should not cause such problems in the game but that does not mean that this possibility should not be ruled out.

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You can check the strength of the connection by examining the icon on the screen or by using an application that measures performance. Try playing closer to the router to check if a better connection helps improve performance.

If you don’t find any improvement by playing with a better connection then you can rule out connectivity as a cause of the problem.

Restart the App

You can try to update the game or in the most extreme case perform a reinstall from scratch. There is nothing to worry about, you will not lose your account or any of your characters: you will only have to wait to download the application again and reinstall it.

Make sure the application update

Errors can also occur by do not use the most up-to-date version of the application or because some file has been corrupted. Visit the App Store and make sure that the application does not require an update.

Why are the Fortnite graphics on my iPhone downgraded?

The graphic quality will depend of the device on which the game is being played– The older the operating system and the iPhone, the worse the performance and quality of graphics.

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Another reason why the graphics can look worse in comparison is by not updating not only the software but also the application (this is why it is important make sure you have the latest version).

It should also be noted that the game was released on iOS a long time ago, so the new content that has been added over time has caused in old versions there is not the same quality.

By following this guide you will be able to find the cause of the problem in the application and make Fortnite work again on your iPhone. If you are looking for alternatives to Fortnite: here is a list of games similar to Fortnite.