How To Install Google Analytics Tracking Code In WordPress – Easy Steps

How To Install Google Analytics Tracking Code In Wordpress

How To Install Google Analytics Tracking Code In WordPress

Or likewise, if you need to add the Facebook Ads or Google plus Ads conversion tracking code, or any other Google+ Analytics event, you can also do it from the GTM work platform itself. After installing and turning on the plugin, you need to embed the previously obtained Google+ Analytics tracking code in the settings. Open the Google+ Analytics tab in your WordPress dashboard, under “Settings”. In the plugin settings, insert the tracking ID into the appropriate field. After inserting the code, scroll down and click the “Save Changes” button. Google plus Analytics should now be active on your WordPress website.

In my case I am going to make a child theme and I want to paste the code snippet into it, the same way I did in header.php in the parent. Can I copy and paste the header.php file from parent to child and then add the code? Thank you very much for the product and for your contents generally, they are very helpful. The tracking code is a JavaScript code that you activate from Google plus Analytics by inserting a ga.js code on the website. Keep in mind that JavaScript is used on almost every page, but not every browser supports it (either natively or by the user). Something to take into consideration, since visits without JS are not recorded in Google+ Analytics.

Allows you to store the tracking code in the header or header and footer or footer. For having come this far, I am going to tell you what for me, as a WordPress web designer and programmer, is the best way to install Google plus Analytics on a WordPress website. Of course, you have to take into account that the plugins require you to update and maintain them all the time and even several of them overload your website with functions that you will never use or that you really do not need. As we have also mentioned before, there are three different ways to install Google+ Analytics on any WordPress or website. In addition to the tracking number, much further down you will also see a code snippet with which you can manually install Google plus Analytics by changing your template. This alternative lets Google+ sales and marketing specialists log into your Google+ Analytics account and data so they can suggest new settings, analytics, and optimization.

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To do this, go to your Tag Manager site and click on Admin. Here you will find an ID that starts with GTM, copy it. When you’re done, click the Update File button to save your changes. When finished, click the Update File button to save the changes.

Plugins are very interesting elements for WordPress and help you simplify your work a lot, as in this case. This option is ideal if your template doesn’t let you enter the tracking code directly from the theme options. If you have an internet portal or blog in WordPress, surely you want to know what pages your users visit? Google+ Analytics is the tool that answers these and more questions that you manage to ask yourself. Therefore, in this article I will show you how to install and configure Google plus Analytics in WordPress in three different ways and step by step.

Scroll down and you will see the button Launch the Wizard! Follow the instructions to complete the initial setup. This is where you will need to connect MonsterInsights with your Google plus Analytics account.

Install Google Plus Analytics In WordPress: 3 Proper Methods

It’s free and it works really well, greetings and thanks. After installing it, an icon will appear next to the toolbar that after clicking, and if you are currently browsing your website, it will show you which tags are running on your website. Google plus Tag Assistant is a free extension in the Google plus Chrome browser through which you will be able to see what tags are running on the website you are looking at (regardless of whether you have access to it or not).

You will recognize it by the fact that it has the name of «ExactMetrics» In principle, that is where the Google+ Analytics data that the plugin collects must appear. 3# Look for the file relevant to the Header in the sidebar, which is where you have to enter the Google plus Analytics JavaScript code. 3# Once the previous step has been accepted, it is time to match your Analytics account with the plugin. To do this, click on the “Log in with your Google+ Analytics Account” button and follow the indicated steps.

Webkinder Google+ Analytics

There are other tools to analyze the performance of your web portal. Some choices for Google plus Analytics give more importance, for example, to data protection. Google+ Analytics tracking code has been added to WordPress. In this tutorial, we tell you how to use the tracking code to integrate Google+ Analytics in WordPress and what you need to consider regarding data protection. Gustavo is passionate about creating websites. He focuses on applying SEO tactics at Hostinger for Spain and Latin America, as well as creating high-profile content.

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It is clear that Google+ Analytics is the best known and strongest application when it comes to researching information about the visitors of our WordPress website. I loved the article I use google plus analytics but I am going to continue your suggestions and I will use google+ tag manager apparently optimization of loading time, I use analitify I think it is also very good and it is free. If you have followed each and every one of the steps that I have explained to you, you can already say that you have your Google plus Analytics account incorporated into your WordPress website and, in addition, you can be sure that it is properly configured. Imagine, for example, that a robot arrives at your website and makes “1ooo visits”.

how to install google analytics tracking code in wordpress

This information can be useful in many areas. Therefore, Google plus Analytics is the best standard tool to improve the performance of your WordPress page in the long term. Google plus Analytics is a powerful free web analytics tool that brings together crucial information about web performance and target audience. By gaining analytics about your website, you can make data-driven decisions to grow your WordPress website much more effectively. As you can see, plugins offer a much easier solution, although if you are one of those who tries to reduce the use of plugins to the limit, like me, then the manual options will help you. Another alternative, here comes the trick, would be to use a plugin that you possibly now have installed (as in the case of plugins to add pieces of code to the web).

Certain templates do not allow you to insert the code in header.php, as an option you can insert it in functions.php by creating a small function that inserts the Analytics code in the header. To do this you have to modify your functions.php file (if you have no idea where it is you can take a look at this product). The code you have to paste is the next one changing UA-TU-ID for your Analytics id.

How To Get The Tracking Code In Google+ Analytics To Insert It In WordPress?

When loading the page we will get the notice of the installation of the property. If it was not installed correctly, we will get an error message. Depending on whether we have installed the label with one system or another, the data will change. For example, in the first screenshot you see that Google plus Analytics 3 is installed and in the second that we have also installed Google+ Analytics 4.

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Other Plugins To Add Google+ Analytics In WordPress

Finally, we must make the Google+ Analytics tracking tag in Tag Manager, which will be the one that allows us to track individuals and obtain information about them. Google plus Analytics is not the only digital analytics tool, but it is by far the best tool for measuring web traffic. Hotjar is a decent alternative option but still not very famous. In order to use Google+ Analytics on your WordPress location, you need to install a “tracking code” on your website. Consequently, the chosen digital analytics tool can go into your website to catalog statistics. This is another very easy way to set up Google+ Analytics in WordPress.

It uses the Universal Google plus Analytics code and links many of the statistics within the WordPress control panel. It is a Freemiun plugin, that is, it has a free part with the options that we will need most of the time and a Premium part with featured options. Others, on the other hand, apart from putting the code, also show statistics within the WordPress control panel. We are going to see the most used plugins to put Google+ Analytics in WordPress. However, in 2021 we are recommending installing and configuring this second one, since Google+ is working to integrate the GA4 utility… Patience. If we want to install GA3 we must choose “show featured options”.

Google+ Analytics is a tool that allows you to obtain information regarding the traffic of a page. One way to have Google plus Analytics by inserting the code but without using a plugin or having to touch sensitive files is by using hooks. Some themes, like GeneratePress or Astra, already incorporate this in their premium version.