How to install SpeedCrunch on Linux – Easy Steps

How to install SpeedCrunch on Linux

How to install SpeedCrunch on Linux

Do you need a scientific calculator for your Linux PC? Can’t find anything good to use? Take a look at SpeedCrunch! It’s a high-precision scientific calculator that has tons of features and a quick keyboard-driven interface. Here’s how to set it up on your system.

Ubuntu installation instructions

SpeedCrunch is available for installation on Ubuntu via a downloadable DEB package. To begin the installation, you will need to download the DEB package to your computer.

To download the latest version of SpeedCrunch on Ubuntu, open a terminal window. You can open a terminal window on the Linux desktop by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. Or search for “Terminal” in the application menu.

With the terminal window open and ready to use, run the wget command to download the latest Ubuntu SpeedCrunch package to your computer.


Once you have finished downloading the SpeedCrunch DEB package to your computer, use the fit to install command below to install it on your Ubuntu system.

sudo apt install ./SpeedCrunch-0.12-linux64.deb

Debian Installation Instructions

If you need SpeedCrunch to work on your Debian Linux system, you will have to download the latest DEB package on your computer. Open a terminal window on the Linux desktop by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard to start the download.

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With the terminal window open and ready to use, run the following wget download the command to get the latest DEB package on your computer.


Or, if you need the 32-bit version of SpeedCrunch:


After the download is complete, you can begin the installation of SpeedCrunch. Using the dpkg command then configure the DEB package on your computer.

sudo dpkg -i SpeedCrunch-0.12-linux64.deb

If you are installing the 32-bit version of SpeedCrunch on Debian, enter the command below.

sudo dpkg -i SpeedCrunch-0.12-linux32.deb

With the DEB package installed on your system, you will need to run the apt-get install -f command below to correct any dependency issues caused by the SpeedCrunch installation.

sudo apt-get install -f

Arch Linux Installation Instructions

SpeedCrunch is available to all Arch Linux users. However, the app is not on the official SpeedCrunch website. Instead, Arch Linux users can make it work through the Arch Linux User Repository.

To start the SpeedCrunch installation on Arch Linux, you will need to install the “Git” and “Base-devel” packages on your system using the pacman command.

sudo pacman -S git base-devel

After configuring the two packages on your computer, install the Trizen AUR wizard. This program will make it much easier to install the SpeedCrunch AUR package on your system.

git clone

cd trizen/
makepkg -sri

With the Trizen AUR helper configured on your Arch Linux computer, use the trizen -S command to configure SpeedCrunch.

trizen -S speedcrunch-git

Fedora Installation Instructions

SpeedCrunch is available to Fedora users through an official RPM package. To install the latest version of SpeedCrunch on your Fedora computer, open a terminal window on the Linux desktop.

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Opening a terminal window in Fedora is easy. press Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. Or open the Fedora application menu, search for “Terminal” and run it that way.

With the terminal window open, use the wget download the command to get the latest SpeedCrunch RPM package.


Now that the SpeedCrunch RPM package file has been downloaded, it can be installed using the instalar dnf command.

sudo dnf install SpeedCrunch-0.12-linux64.rpm

32 bits

There is also a 32-bit version of SpeedCrunch for Fedora. However, Fedora Linux discontinued 32-bit support a while ago. If you are using a Fedora derivative that requires 32-bit packages, click here.

OpenSUSE Installation Instructions

OpenSUSE uses RPM packages like Fedora. For this reason, you will be able to get the SpeedCrunch application up and running relatively quickly. To begin the installation, you will need to open a terminal window on the Linux desktop.

You can open a terminal window on the OpenSUSE desktop by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. Alternatively, it is possible to start the terminal by searching for “Terminal” in the application menu.

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With the terminal window open and ready to use, run the wget download command to grab the SpeedCrunch RPM package file.


The download process should be quick as it is a small file. When the process is complete, the installation can begin. Using the zypper installation command then configure SpeedCrunch.

sudo zypper install SpeedCrunch-0.12-linux64.rpm

32 bits

OpenSUSE supports 32-bit, but it is not clear if it will be supported forever. If you are an OpenSUSE user and need to install the 32-bit version of SpeedCrunch, click here.