How to resolve the error “The process has stopped”

Il processo è stato arrestato

How to resolve the error “The process has stopped”

A common error you may encounter with Android devices is “The process has stopped”. The error mostly occurs when trying to access the contacts app or dialer on the phone.

Unfortunately, the error does not go away by pressing the OK button or closing the notification pop-up. You need to try multiple solutions to resolve the error “The process has stopped”.

A corrupted file in your contacts’ cached data is the root cause of the error. For example, an error while updating the operating system or abruptly interrupting a synchronization process could damage files.

Most of these problems are unpredictable. That’s why we have written a list of solutions to help you fix “android.process.acore error”.

But before trying any of these solutions, remember to make a backup of your information. Backup doesn’t make you lose important data after updating and reinstalling apps.

Once the updates are finished, restart your phone or tablet and try to access the Contacts app. If the problem persists, read the solution below.

2. Reinstall Facebook and Messenger

A mismatch when syncing contacts on Facebook and Messenger can cause a crash. To uninstall and reinstall apps, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Google Play, locate the Facebook and Messenger apps and double-click the option to bring up the uninstall tab.
  2. Uninstall both apps, then restart your device.
  3. Reinstall the apps and this should help fix the problem.

If the error doesn’t go away, let’s move on to the next solution.

3. Remove and re-add the Google account

Strange as it may seem, any conflicting information between your Google account and contacts could be the cause of the “ has been stopped” error. By removing and re-adding your Google account, it could eliminate those problems and retrieve new software updates (such as security patches).

Here’s how to remove and re-add Google account.

  1. Go to Settings, then Accounts and select Google.
  2. Choose the Google account you want to remove, click on the three dots on the right side and select Remove account.
  3. Add your Google Account by going back to Settings, then Accounts and selecting the Add Account option.
  4. Restart your Android phone and update all apps using the Google Store.

This should give your phone a fresh start. However, if the problem lies in the cache or data, the problem persists. Then read the next solution.

4. Clear cache and data on all contact apps

Clearing the cache and device data will delete both temporary data and other saved data that could damage your system.

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To clear the cache and clear the data, follow these steps:

  1. Start by backing up all information on your device.
  2. Next, go to Settings and click on Apps.
  3. Scroll right and select the All option.
  4. Scroll down to the Contact / Contact Storage option and open it to reveal the app information.
  5. Click the Force Stop and Clear Data and Clear Cache button.
  6. From the same results page, disable the contact app and turn off your phone or tablet. Turn on your phone or tablet after a few minutes and this should fix the problems with the corrupted contact data. If not, try the next solution.

5. Reset the app preferences

Resetting app preferences will automatically activate disabled apps and restore all apps to their default settings. This process is effective in correcting the incorrect deletion or disabling of apps.

  1. Go to Settings and select Apps.
  2. Click on the three dots on the right side and select Reset app preferences
  3. Click on the Reset app option and your device will begin the reset process.

6. Restore factory settings

If all methods have failed, it’s time to consider factory resetting your device. A factory reset will erase all data in the phone and delete any corrupt files that may be causing the error “The process has stopped” error.

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Here are the steps to factory reset your phone. Although the Factory Reset option may appear in a different submenu for each brand of phone, you can find it in the Settings at the top.

  1. Click Settings and select the Backup and Restore tab.
  2. Click on the Factory data reset option and the device will start wiping data.


One or more of the solutions mentioned above should help you resolve the “android.process.acore error” on your phone or tablet. If the problem persists, consider checking the hardware and see if anything has broken by taking it to a technician. Hope one of the solutions above helped you to resolve the error.

Author: I took Fulvio

I like smartphones, computers and video games. As a hobby I write articles based mainly on technology for GuideSmartPhone. Hope I was helpful!

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