How to Send Messages in Discord in Italics, Bold, Strikethrough or Underline?

How to Send Messages in Discord in Italics, Bold, Strikethrough or Underline?

How to Send Messages in Discord in Italics, Bold, Strikethrough or Underline?

The letter formats are a way to change your image, that is, a way to modify your text. When sending messages on the Discord platform you will be able to change the format and place it in different models, you just have to enter a conversation and make the changes.

If you don’t know how to do it, you just have to keep reading this article, here we will explain how to send messages in Discord in italics, bold, strikethrough, or underline.

How can I send messages with different text formats on Discord?

Discord is a platform for video conferencing, but you can too use to talk privately with your friends, in it you can communicate with whoever you want and even make groups. In this application you will have the possibility to modify the formats in the text that you are going to send, you have different forms that you can use, then we will tell you what they are and how you can use them:


The black letter format is a way of placing the letters in deep black color, that is, darker. This is used to highlight or make the text more visible, since it will be darker than the rest. If you want to put a message in bold you must locate the server of your application and choose a text channel that you want to speak.

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When you already have the text located and written in one of your conversations to place black letter you must enter two asterisks ** at the beginning and at the end of the sentence, this is the example of a phrase with bold letters. The cart is paralyzed by placing a colon at the beginning and the end of the whole sentence will turn blacker than the rest, try to do it.

Cursive letter

The cursive letter is a way to give a new style to your letters, to do it in Discord you only have to put an asterisk at the beginning and at the endthis way *the cow is big* if you place it like this, it will be placed in the cursive format.

cross out a text

You can also place in Discord in the strikethrough format in the text, to do it you just have to place two dashes at the beginning at the end of the sentence, in this way ~~ the text you want to place that way to place the strikethrough in your text.

underline a text

To place the underline you only have to enter two lines __ text__ at the beginning and at the end of the sentence.

Is it possible to combine the different text formats when sending messages?

Discord is a platform that offers you many things, one of these is to combine your formats and place them in the same text, so the answer is yes, you can combine the formatting in the text.

What text codes can I use on Discord?

By having the Discord application downloaded you can do different style combinations with your lettersplace several formats in the same text and thus look more creative and fun, these are the things you can do with your texts:

discord formats to modify

Bold with underline: You will be able to place your bold texts with underlines at the same time, in this way the letters will be darker and you will have an underline at the bottom of it. To do so, all you have to do is add the following code. Text you want to bold and underline so all text is placed in this format.

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Underline and italics: If you want to place your text in italics and with underlining you can also do it, you just have to place the following code. Text you want to underline and italicize. You must place the hyphen and the asterisk always, it must be a single asterisk because if you put two tails, another format will be put.

Italics with bold: To place your text in bold italics you only have to place 3 asterisks at the beginning and at the end of the text, this is the code. Text you want to make bold and italic.

Strikethrough in bold: If you want to place the text of your message with the strikethrough and bold format, you only have to place the following code, you must be very precise so that the changes are made. Text you want to bold and strikethrough.

Strikethrough, underline and bold: You can also place the format in 3 ways in your text, doing it is very simple, but you must be exact because it has many symbols and you can make mistakes, this is the way you should do it: Text that you want to place in Strikethrough, underlined and bold.

discord chats to change format

Italic, underline, strikethrough and bold: If you want to place all the formats to the same text you can also do it, there are many signs so be careful that you place them the same, this is the way you can do it. Text you want to place on Strikethrough, underline, italics and bold.

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What other types of modifications can I make when sending messages on Discord?

By sending messages to your contacts in Discord you can modify different things, one of these is the format discussed abovebut you can also do the following:

  • Delete some letters: Discord, like all applications, has the eraser option integrated into its keyboard, if you don’t like a letter, a word or something you can press on it and delete it completely, so it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake with this option, it won’t matter.
  • Add an emoji: Emojis are a way of transmitting ideas, you can enter your text to imply something without saying a word, if you want you can place the emojis you want, you just have to click on the smiling face icon and choose between everything The amount here for you to send is a way to creatively modify your messages.
  • Place images: You can add an image to your Discord message, this will be very simple, you just have to press on the image icon and choose the photo from your phone.