Best NFT Platforms for 2021: Marketplaces | Buying| Selling | Non-fungible tokens


Best NFT Platforms for 2021 – NFT platforms and marketplaces for buying, selling, creating non-fungible tokens (NFT, non-fungible token) – We’ve been talking a lot lately about NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This is a really extensive and interesting topic, and, importantly, there is every chance of making good money on the wave of popularity. In the article below, the editors will tell you about the best NFT platforms that are most popular among users. Let’s take a look at the top 10 platforms by weekly trading volume, as well as marketplaces where you can create, buy and sell NFTs.

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Best NFT Platforms for 2021


  • Weekly trading volume $ 22,545,478
  • Total All Time Traded Volume $ 131,350,929
  • Rank # 1
  • Website

CryptoPunks is a project of LarvaLabs, a web infrastructure built and maintained by two technologists. Cryptopanks are 10,000 unique collectible tokens that are stored on the Ethereum blockchain. It is one of the first NFTs based on the Ethereum ERC-721 standard and has inspired many other newer projects.

There are no two identical images among ten thousand tokens, and also – each of them can officially belong to only one participant in the Ethereum blockchain. At first, the tokens were distributed free of charge and very quickly found their owners. Now you can buy CryptoPunks only on the secondary market, through marketplaces specializing in NFT.


  • Weekly trading volume $ 3,344,978
  • Total All Time Traded Volume $ 32,863,442
  • Rank # 2
  • Website

SuperRare is a tokenized digital art platform. Artists release assets certified on the Ethereum blockchain, which allows, firstly, to prevent the creation of fakes, and secondly, to permanently fix the origin of the art object. Then users buy tokens at a fixed price or through an auction, and can sell them on the secondary market or simply display them in their own digital gallery.

From the point of view of artists, the value of such a platform lies in the ability to create a tokenized certificate, that is, a digital signature of their work. You can also set prices for assets yourself, or specify a minimum price and start an auction. While there are not many works and artists on SuperRare, trading volumes are already high.


  • Weekly trading volume $ 2,189,994
  • Total All Time Traded Volume $ 30,149,097
  • Rank # 3
  • Website
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Sorare is a soccer-themed game in which the player plays the role of a manager, can create and manage his own team. Team members are identified with digital cards, this is the NFT. Each card is a certified collectible that can be held or sold to other users.

The cards are classified according to their rarity. In addition to the usual categories, there are Unique, Rare (100 copies) and Super Rare (10 copies in total). In addition to the collectible, the cards also have in-game value. They can be used for weekly “soccer games” with cash prizes. Each week, all cards earn experience points, which makes them more powerful and increases the chances of winning.


  • Weekly trading volume $ 1,450,309
  • Total All Time Traded Volume $ 55,611,563
  • Rank # 4
  • Website

Hashmasks is a platform that combines the features of digital art and collectibles. The value of each object is determined jointly by the creator and the consumer. Hashmasks include two levels of scarcity, defined by a set of superficial and latent features. Control over the rarest trait (name) is completely surrendered to the consumer.

In total, there are 16 384 unique hash masks, which differ in eye color, objects in hands, general appearance. The NCT token is responsible for changing the name. Each name is unique and can only belong to one asset. It is intended that the value of each item in the collection will adapt over the years until the last NCT is burned.


  • Weekly trading volume $ 1,136,181
  • Total All Time Traded Volume $ 43 676 538
  • Rank # 5
  • Website

Decentraland is a decentralized platform on the Ethereum blockchain where players can create and monetize their content and applications. LAND is the designation of the final and traversable 3D space, which is NFT. LAND is divided into separate sections; you can buy them for the MANA service token. The game works through the browsers Chrome and Firefox.

Some sites are additionally compiled into thematic communities or districts. Members can create shared spaces with specific interests and uses. Content is distributed through a decentralized network, while ownership and all transactions are verified on the Ethereum blockchain. You need an ETH wallet to connect.


  • Weekly trading volume $ 684,752
  • Total All Time Traded Volume $ 2,379,134
  • Rank # 6
  • Website

Avastars is an NFT digital collectible project. According to the plot, the participant must teleport the first settlers to the new planet Avastar. Each settler is unique, all of his traits (hair color, skin, hairstyle, etc.) have five levels of rarity. The aggregate rarity score of each instance ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the higher the cost of teleportation.

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According to the idea, there will be 5 series of teleports, 5000 copies each. After that, the creation of new NFTs will be impossible. Everything works on an Ethereum smart contract, the quality and safety of which has been audited.

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity
Axie Infinity
  • Weekly trading volume $ 672,113
  • Total All Time Traded Volume $ 12,408,927
  • Rank # 7
  • Website

Axie Infinity is a virtual world with playable functionality for controlling pets (Axies). You can fight other players using these animals, breed and collect them. The peculiarity of the platform is in the varied gameplay that allows you to manage your NFTs as it seems most interesting. The built-in marketplace allows you to buy and sell Axies.

The market for in-game resources is completely open and controlled by players. To start working with the platform, you need to purchase Axies in the amount of at least 3 pieces. Market prices are determined based on supply and demand.

Art Blocks

Art Blocks
Art Blocks
  • Weekly trading volume $ 700 113
  • Total All Time Traded Volume $ 13,085,642
  • Rank # 8
  • Website

Art Blocks is one of the first platforms focused on the automatic generation of programmable content stored on the Ethereum blockchain. Working with it is as follows: the user chooses the style that he likes, pays for the operation, and the platform randomly generates content.

The result of the operation can be not only a static image, but also a three-dimensional model or an interactive element. It is not possible to create two identical results, Art Blocks generates an infinite amount of different content. Subsequently, it can be bought and sold as NFT.


  • Weekly trading volume $ 621,647
  • Total All Time Traded Volume $ 6,957,126
  • Rank # 9
  • Website

MakersPlace is a marketplace for buying / selling digital art content. Allows you to create signed works on the basis of the blockchain, equipped with guaranteed copyright. Users can collect these unique items and collect them, show them to friends and the community, and also sell on any marketplaces that support work with NFT.

Space dream

Space dream
Space dream
  • Weekly trading volume $ 278,452
  • Total All Time Traded Volume $ 4,671,846
  • Rank # 10
  • Website

Somnium Space is a gaming project focused on tokenizing internal assets such as land. All assets can be freely traded on the NFT markets, and their creators have full ownership. For creativity, SDK tools, Builder, etc. are provided. The game itself is a virtual world with its own economy and social component. Available for PCs and phones, including those with VR support.

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The best marketplaces for NFT trading

There are many marketplaces that allow you to sell, buy, and create NFT tokens. The three most popular are:



OpenSea is the oldest and largest NFT marketplace that has been actively developing since 2017. Offers all varieties of non-replaceable tokens, from domain names and art to collectibles and in-game items. The site is positioned as “eBay in the NFT world”. It sells tokens of some of the platforms described above, for example, CryptoPunks, Sorare, Decentraland. It also has its own individual user projects created using the site’s functionality.




Like OpenSea, Mintable allows you to independently create NFTs in a few clicks and put them up for sale. The project is owned by one of the companies of billionaire Michael Cuban, who is interested in the topic of cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens. One of the features of this site is that for their operations, users receive MINT tokens, thus receiving additional income. In addition, users are encouraged to participate in the governance model.



Russian NFT-marketplace, which, nevertheless, gained fame all over the world. At the time of its launch, there were only 2-3 sites in the world that provided the opportunity to create NFTs with their own content, and then the implementation in them was very difficult for an ordinary user. There is a RARI control token on Rarible, which allows, for example, to vote on the size of the commission or other parameters.


New projects and sites appear almost every week, so the choice is actually very wide. We talked about the best NFT platforms at the time of this writing, they are guaranteed to have good potential for development. Some of the projects also have utility tokens (Axie Infinity, Decentraland), which, due to their usefulness within the platforms, have also become extremely popular. On the site you can see the rating of NFT platforms by the capitalization indicator of the service token. On and rating by trade volume.