WhatsApp: Send the same message to several people

WhatsApp: Send the same message to several people

How to send the same message to multiple contacts together on Whatsapp making it look like a single sending with the Broadcast function

If to send Christmas greetings to all friends in Whatsapp we wrote the same message and if we copied and pasted it many times writing to each of them individually, we certainly lost a lot of time for something that could be done in a way. much faster, with a single message and a multiple sending to all the people we care about or want to say hello to.

One of the oldest functions of WhatsApp, and also one of the least used and known, in fact, is the one that allows send a message to several people at the same time. In this guide we will show you both how to send the same message to multiple selected people (so that these people receive it as if it was only sent to them and not to others) and how to use other valid tricks to send the same message to multiple people. , for example by exploiting groups.

READ ALSO: Tricks and options in Whatsapp Groups and Broadcasts

Message to multiple users on WhatsApp

For this guide we will show you only the methods that WhatsApp itself approves, so as not to violate any conditions of use or regulation: Facebook (owner of WhatsApp) is very strict about it, so better to avoid blocking the account and use only safe methods and approved to send the same message to multiple people.

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How to send the same message to multiple people from smartphones

The function to use to send the same message to everyone is broadcast. In fact, with it we can send a single message to many users (the current limit is 256 contacts), but nothing prevents us from creating more broadcasts each with the maximum limit of 256 (so with 2 identical broacasts we can cover 500 people, and so on. ). The broadcast function therefore allows you to send a message to multiple contacts at the same time, making it seem like a single message from us. If we send New Year’s greetings with WhatsApp, we can write the message in a broadcast and make it reach everyone as if it were written individually.

To send a broadcast message, open the WhatsApp app (available for Android and iPhone), press the three dots at the top right (Android) or press the item List broadcast (iPhone) and choose the voice New broadcast O New list.

In the new screen that will appear, choose two or more contacts, press the button Create or on the check mark at the bottom right and, in the new chat that will appear, we write the greeting message or the message to share with all the users present.
The replies to broadcasts individual contacts are received in personal chats with these people: no one else will see the replies in the broadcast chat, which is used to send the same message to all the users we insert (it is not a group chat). To make sure that messages are received and read, we tap the message and hold, then tap the i to open the information sheet that tells us if it has been delivered and read.
For each broadcast created it is possible to add other recipients of our messages; to proceed in this sense we open the broadcast, touch the title and then the + button at the top right, so as to be able to add other people to the broadcast list.

How to send the same message to multiple people from PC

Broadcast lists can also be managed by WhatsApp Web and the WhatsApp app for Windows and Mac, but at the time of writing it is not possible to create new ones. To proceed then we will have to create the broadcast on our smartphone in advance (perhaps without writing the message but only by selecting the users) and, once on the PC, open the website or the WhatsApp app, access the service and press on the name of the broadcast created, so as to be able to write the message also from the PC.
broadcast PC

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By pressing on the three dots at the top right we will be able to manage all the elements of the broadcast, view the links or images exchanged or delete some users from the list, but we cannot add new users. This is a limitation of WhatsApp and it is hoped that with future releases and updates it will be possible to completely unlink WhatsApp from the PC from the app on the smartphone (still essential to be able to use the service from the computer).

How to create a group of people

If we want to send a message to several people at all costs (even from a PC) we can always use the function Groups, even if in this case the message will be visible to all members of the group and everyone will be able to respond publicly (the broadcast is more intimate and confidential).

To create a group on WhatsApp, open the app, press the icon at the bottom or top right, select the item New group and we choose the members who will be part of it; once added we write the message to share and await the answers (visible to all).
From a PC, the procedure is very similar: open WhatsApp Web or the WhatsApp app, press the + icon at the top left, select the item New group and we choose the people who will be part of it.

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With the broadcast function of WhatsApp we can send the same message to several people and receive a personal response, without other people seeing each other; people will not even notice that they have ended up on a broadcast list, since there is no notification or warning system (only those who created the list see everything). Unfortunately, from a PC we can only manage the broadcast lists already created, but we can always create a new group and send the greeting message or good news to all the people included, increasing the level of involvement (everyone will be able to read and reply).

Always on the subject of WhatsApp and its advanced use, we suggest you read our guides New WhatsApp tricks and features e Tag on WhatsApp (mention) in groups to send notification.