How to Know Which Processor My PC Has – Models and Frequency

How to Know Which Processor My PC Has - Models and Frequency

How to Know Which Processor My PC Has – Models and Frequency

Just as it is very important to know the types of RAM there are, it is necessary know what processor is installed in your computer. Understanding this, we have prepared this small guide with the purpose that you know this information in an instant.

What is the need to know the exact model of a processor?

Knowing the exact model of your processor will help you know the capabilities of the computer. Knowing this information and seeing comparisons will make it much easier for you to know if an application or game will go well with your computer before downloading it. In turn, knowing your processor also helps if you want to change the parts of your equipment.

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What versions of Windows and MacOS allow to know the frequency of the processor?

Certainly in practically any version modern Windows and MacOS you will be able to know the information about the processors. For this reason, knowing data such as the model or the frequency is possible from any computer. In any case, there are several ways to do it, but this is something that we teach you below.

What is the way to know the frequency and pattern inside a computer?

Most programs for monitoring CPU performance will be able to show you its model and the frequency at which it works. In any case, you should not go to that extreme, since the simple fact of accessing certain settings will be enough. Understanding this, we show you how to view the processor data on both Windows and Mac.

With a PC with a Windows operating system

Accessing the Task Manager options is one of the easiest ways to find out the CPU model and frequency. Enough with open task manager and go to the ‘Performance’ tab, then click on ‘CPU’ and you will be able to see this information. The processor model will be shown above and to the right and the frequency at the bottom, in the ‘Speed’ section.

Inside a laptop

If the laptop has Windows, the process shown above will be functional, but there are also other ways to view the processor information. For example, in the configuration options you can also see this information. To do this, open ‘Settings’ in the Start Menu, then go to ‘System’ and scroll down to ‘About’, where you will see all the information of your team.

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If my computer is MAC

The first thing is to go to the Apple button that is located in the upper left part of the screen. In this section you will find ‘About this Mac’, click there to continue. Information about the equipment components will be displayed here. In any case, if you click on ‘System Report’ you will see more information related to the CPU.

What other methods are there to find the model and frequency of a computer?

Sometimes the above points may not be helpful in finding your CPU model, but there are other things you can try. Therefore, if you do not want to go to the extreme of disarming your team to know the processor model, then read the following points.

know what processor your pc has

Check your computer model

Another way to see the model of your CPU is to investigate your computer, but for this you must know the exact model. Dell, HP and other brand computers have defined models that you can search on the internet to know all the components, including the processor

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Check if the processor is recorded on the PC

Many PC models (mainly Laptops) have the processor model engraved on them. You can do a quick check of the computer in order to find this information. In any case, not viable if your team was assembled to pieces.

Why is my computer’s processor unknown?

In most cases, you can find the processor model for your computer. When you can’t possibly a very old model, being the best option to update the processor to a new one. Even so, before making this decision, use the aforementioned methods one by one to know for sure the model of your CPU.