How to know who has blocked you on Snapchat? – From iPhone or Android

How to know who has blocked you on Snapchat?  - From iPhone or Android

How to know who has blocked you on Snapchat? – From iPhone or Android

Blocking or deleting a person on Snapchat is very simple, but if you are going through the opposite and you think that a person blocked you and you want to find out, here in See How To Do It we will explain some methods you can apply to achieve it.

How does the ‘Block People’ method work in the Snapchat app?

Same as in most social networks like Facebook or Instagramon Snapchat you can also block a person, and the function of this tool is very similar in all of them, and it is very useful when you don’t want to know more about a person.

Either because it’s bothering you or she just doesn’t care about anything anymore, You have to remember that deleting and blocking a user are two very different things, since deleting you can still see some posts from that person. And in the case of blocking it is a bit more extreme because it is as if that person in the social network did not exist for you.

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What’s the best way to find out if someone has blocked you on Snapchat?

If you are thinking that a friend or follower you have blocked within the Snapchat social network, There are ways to find out and these methods are very similar to knowing if someone blocked you on Instagram, and below we will tell you some very easy methods to achieve it.

Review of recent conversations

The first way to find out if a user blocked you on Snapchat and one of the most important is checking your chat history, you just have to verify that your friend is in this section of most recent conversations. This will work if he already had a conversation with the person before deleting their chat.

Sign in via your phone in the Snapchat app, and then tap on the dialog bubble icon which is located at the bottom of the cell phone screen. On the left side of the camera button, you should switch to the chat tab at the bottom left.

If the friend or suspicious user is not here even though you have talked recently, there is a chance that they have blocked you.

blocked en snapchat

However, to be sure, you should also try other steps. If you haven’t chatted with a friend recently or have cleared their chat history, this step won’t give you any information about the block. So you need to check other steps to make sure your friend blocked you.

Visits to the user profile

If a person blocks you, when looking for it within Snapchat it will not appear. Although, if the person has deleted you, you should be able to find it through a search.

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Knowing the difference between delete and block is very important. If a person blocks you, you will not be able to see their account in any way. And if that person only removed you from his friends, you can still send him messages. Although this will depend on your privacy settings, if they only allow their friends to communicate with them, you won’t be able to write to them.

To find the person you think blocked you, just click on the search function that is located at the top of the phone screen in the conversations section or you can also use the window that is represented with a magnifying glass icon. You must write the username completely.

If the person still will not appear to you, lThe probability that he has blocked you is much greater; however, for many people this is not enough, since the person could have easily suspended or deleted their account, that is why you will have to verify that it still exists and for this the only way to find out is through another account.

you can ask him the favor a trusted family member or friendto look for the person you think is blocking you, and if this time I will appear to you, you can be 100 percent sure that you were blocked.

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person blocked on snapchat

Does Snapchat send block or unblock notifications to its users?

If any user blocks you on snapchat social network, You will not receive any notification, just as if it is you who does it, that person will not know, unless you also apply the aforementioned methods. And in the case of unlocking you will not be notified either; however, later on in detail we will explain what happens when you unblock a user or they unblock you.

How to follow a person who has blocked you on Snapchat?

If a person blocked you as we already mentioned, absolutely nothing of her will appear to youand if you want to follow her the only way to do it is through another Snapchat account.

What happens when a person unblocks you from their Snapchat account?

If someone unblocks you from Snapchat, you can see your profile again, but it will no longer appear in your friends list; however, you can send him messages, but to have him as a friend again you just have to send him the request again.

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