How to Recover a Canva Account – Simple Step by Step Tutorial

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How to Recover a Canva Account – Simple Step by Step Tutorial

Canva is an excellent platform to easily create layouts for posts on Facebook and other social networks. However, as with other platforms, it is necessary to have an account to be able to access; Sometimes this account can be lost for one reason or another, so here’s how to recover a Canva account step by step.

What are the most common mistakes when logging into your Canva account?

When starting a free Canva account, many Canva users make fairly common mistakes. For example, not leaving the session open is quite inconvenient if it is being used on a private device. What’s more, have extremely complicated passwords or email addresses that are not widely used can make access difficult.

Methods to be able to reset your password to access Canva

To be able to restore a lost account in Canva there will be no major complications. The reason for this is that the Canva platform has a number of ways to regain lost access. Next three of those ways will be said, and how exactly these work.

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With your email

If the lost account was created using an email address, recovering it will be extremely easy. You will simply have to go to the login section. From there you have to go to the section ‘Have you forgotten your password?’, put our email address and select ‘Continue’.

Doing so will bring up a small window on the left side of the screen saying that a recovery email has been sent to that address. You have to go in there and open the mail; it may be in the spam folder if it is not seen in the main one. After opening the mail you have to click on the option to recover the password, and ready.

With your Facebook account

To recover an account using Facebook, simply go to the login section and click on ‘Access with Facebook’. When the new tab opens, you will have to click where it says ‘Forgot your account?’. After that, you just have to follow the instructions given by Facebook for the recovery.

From your Google account

If the Canva account was created using a Google account, the procedure will be very similar to recovering with a Facebook account. You have to go to the login section, click on ‘Access with Google’ and on the page that appears after that click on ‘Next’.

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If you have forgotten your Gmail email, you will simply have to follow the steps to recover it. However, if the email has already been entered, it will only be necessary to click on the option ‘Have you forgotten your password?’. By doing this, you will have to follow the steps given by Google for the recovery, and once that is done, Canva can be used again.

As you can see, recovering a Canva account is extremely easy using any of these three methods. However, another question arises: if it is possible or not to recover files that have not been saved on the platform. Well, the answer will be briefly and clearly stated below.

person drawing using a pencil

Is it possible to get my unsaved files back in Canva?

Simply put, yes, it is possible to recover designs that have not been saved on the Canva platform. This is possible because the trash can save them for a period 30 days. To be able to access and retrieve them again, you will simply have to click on the trash can icon in the sidebar.

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Being there you have to locate the design you want to recover, put the cursor on it and wait for them to appear the three points to click on them. Once you have clicked, you have to select the “Restore” option and that’s it, the design will be available again. The design will be seen again in the ‘All your designs’ folder.

As you can see, recovering an official Canva account is extremely simple if you follow the steps given in this tutorial. In addition, it was possible to learn how to recover a design that had not been saved on the platform. This really is a tool worth having.