Windows 10 Safe Mode, Complete Guide

modalità provvisoria windows 10

Windows 10 Safe Mode, Complete Guide

Our computers are complex machines that use sophisticated components to run equally sophisticated software. For example, a cutting-edge video game may require different hardware and software components to work together in harmony. Even a simple application like a web browser can create problems with your PC’s processor or memory in certain situations. Operating systems like Windows 10 are generally very good at handling everything. However, a malware, software conflict, or hardware problem can cause problems, sometimes displaying the dreaded blue screen.

For this reason, many PC users learn how to boot into Windows 10 Safe Mode. In Safe Mode, only a few essential files and drivers are loaded, allowing you to isolate problems more effectively. While the traditional method to start your PC in Safe Mode is to press F8, Shift + F8, or Ctrl + F8 after restarting your computer, it can be impossible to pick the right timing on a PC with solid state drives and a UEFI BIOS. But do not worry. In this little tutorial we explain how to start Windows in Safe Mode in the simplest way possible.

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How to get into Windows 10 Safe Mode

Click the power button at the bottom right of the screen, then su Restart while holding down the Shift key. Now press on Troubleshooting. Click Advanced Options. Click on View more recovery options. Now, click on Startup Settings You will see a screen telling you that you can enable several modes, including Safe Mode, by restarting. Click Restart. On the Startup Settings screen, you have several options. Press 4 or F4 to enable Safe Mode, 5 or F5 to enable Safe Mode with Networking, or 6 or F6 to enable Windows 10 Safe Mode with Command Prompt.

How to start your computer in safe mode via settings

Type Settings in the search bar to find the Settings app. Alternatively, use the Win + I shortcut to open Settings. Awards on Updates and security, then on Restore in the menu on the left. Now press on Restart Now. Click on Troubleshooting> Advanced options> Startup Settings. Click Restart. Press 4 or F4 to enable Safe Mode, 5 or F5 to enable Safe Mode with Networking, or 6 or F6 to enable Safe Mode with Command Prompt.

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How to access safe mode via the boot menu

Hold down the Shift key and click Start> Shut Down> Reboot. Click Troubleshoot. Click Advanced Options. Click Startup Settings. Click Restart. Press 4 or F4 to enable Safe Mode, 5 or F5 to enable Safe Mode with Networking, or 6 or F6 to enable Safe Mode with Command Prompt.

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Start Windows in Safe Mode automatically

Windows will automatically enter automatic safe mode when the normal operating system boot process fails three times in a row. This outage can occur due to malware, corrupt software or hardware malfunction. You can also create this situation yourself by restarting the computer while booting the operating system three times in a row. We recommend this as a last resort because interrupting power to your PC is not optimal for your software, files, or hard disk drive (HDD). After entering the automatic repair, use the following sequence for safe mode, Advanced Options> Troubleshoot> Advanced Options> Startup Settings> Restart or press 4, 5 or 6 for the Safe Mode option you prefer.

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How to disable Windows 10 Safe Mode

You can easily get out of Safe Mode by restarting your PC. Press the Start button, the Power button and click Restart. To disable Safe Mode via Command Prompt, type “bcdedit / deletevalue {current} safeboot” and press Enter. “Shutdown / r” will reboot the system.