Fix Google Calculation Formula Analysis Error

error value en hoja de calculo de google

Fix Google Calculation Formula Analysis Error

Do you always have problems with the analysis formula of Google spreadsheets?, It is an error that has become, very common among users who use this Google tool to perform calculations, many times we get stressed without knowing the reason why the error, then we will explain how to correct this error and end them your problems.

How to fix calculation formula errors in Google

Sometimes when we insert the formulas In our spreadsheet for some reason it gives an error, and no matter how hard we try we cannot discover the cause, to solve this inconvenience. Google has a support page where it suggests the possible causes of problems when editing spreadsheets and offers the possible solution to the error.

Some errors are visually easy to identify, others not so much and it is often our headache, before trying anything what you should do is detect possible errorFor this, below you will find the causes of the possible error that you present and how to solve it.

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How to detect errors in formulas

Spreadsheets are designed to respond to certain data encodings, when they are not done correctly this by default does not detect the formula that we are inserting and then it gives us an error code.

Each error code has a cause, and they are presented in different variations, the common ones are the error #VALUE! or the error #ERROR!, all error codes have different causes, but in general they are due to mathematical impossibilities of formulas that have been entered manually.

An example of this is the #VALUE! This occurs when two different types of data cannot be resolved, such as when we ask you to multiply, divide or add a numeric value with a text value.

Check accuracy

Before attempting any action, you should first check for accuracy, almost always errors in the formula may be typographical. Observe and detail the way to manually insert the formula. You must know the correct way to insert the formulas to avoid a possible calculation analysis error.

It is important that you always keep in mind Google spreadsheets, they have stringent requirements when it comes to symbols and characters in a formula so I recommend consulting Google support.

error when entering a symbol in google spreadsheet

Check the supports

Check the line where the function field is inserted, for make sure the formula has the correct characters, it is common for an error to occur when excess quotes and brackets are inserted. Otherwise you may get an error where the characters are inserted incorrectly in a red color.

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Analysis problems

This problem occurs when a formula containing characters is inserted into the worksheet, or the formula may also have a missing character. It is very common that it happens that when inserting a formula it may be missing a symbol, when it is desired link lines of text or multiple numeric values, or it also happens when we forget to place the “&” symbol. The best way to prevent this problem from occurring is to know the causes and to assess where the error is and then correct it.

Semicolon vs. Commas

Although it seems a simple error, it is very common that we present an error due to commas or periods, this can cause the spreadsheet not to interpret the formula and become unreadable.

This happens on some occasions when, for example, our keyboard is configured in a language other than the syntax of the spreadsheet, if the error is due to this it will be easy to solve by changing the language in the configured keyboard on your smartphone or pc.

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Use apostrophe start method

A good trick to avoid a possible calculation error is to use apostrophe at the beginning of your formula this allows you to convert the formula into a line of text, as we already know you will not will allow the formula to be executed because it is a line of text however, you can refine the formula to facilitate verification at each point in your formula.

In the event that the Google alternative does not convince you and generates many problems, you can consult our article comparing Google Office vs Microsoft Office and decide whether to use the Google spreadsheet or migrate to Microsoft software.