How To Install The Facebook Pixel In WordPress 2021 – Easy Steps

How To Install The Facebook Pixel In Wordpress 2021

How To Install The Facebook Pixel In WordPress 2021

Many times, users arrive at your page but do not convert. No, if the codes are properly installed, it does not affect your website to have the Fb pixel code and the Google+ Analytics code installed (you really should have both). If you made a mess with the events, this type of conversions will allow you to measure conversions without having to touch any code or resort to plugins.

This field forms a part of the Fb pixel code. The field tracks the value of each conversion gender in your account currency. You can change this value by integrating it as part of the Fb pixel code so that, every time the pixel is loaded, it indicates the amount you indicate as the conversion value. The best part is that it is the simplest way to insert header and footer script without needing to edit your theme files. Therefore, it is a great plugin to insert scripts without the need to deal with dozens of different plugins.

It works with the classic version of Analytics, but in addition to this, with the Universal Analytics version, the tracking code for Analytics remarketing and even custom tracking codes. Depending on the complement, there are different options, but they all have several that are very similar, obviously in relation to the registration of the traffic that the website manages to show. It is a plugin that allows you to add the code you want in the header or footer of your website.

How Do I Share My Facebook Pixel?

With this plugin you will be able to send events to Google+ Analytics at the moment a user moves to a precise point on the website or when they interact by clicking on a link or button. To measure conversions in the “Ads” section of the ad manager panel we can see the outcomes, costs and other values. This data is thrown by the campaign that we created “increase conversions on the site”. Google plus Analytics is a powerful free web analytics tool that brings together crucial information about web performance and target audience. By getting analytical information about your website, you can make decisions based on data to carry out the growth of your WordPress website in the most efficient way. After adding the Facebook pixel to your online store, make sure it works by using the Facebook notification manager.

We set up our ad in each and every one of the segments and sections and publish. If you see a – sign, it means you’re receiving conversion events in the last seven days. In that case, you should check that the Facebook pixel is installed correctly on the website.

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Once we manage to install the Fb pixel in WordPress, the next step is to check if we did it correctly. But in order to calculate the roi we are going to have to insert the Facebook pixel in the thank you page. Thanks to it we will be able to measure more precisely how our advertising campaigns or popular ads are doing. If you want to carry out advertising campaigns in a professional way, you must install the Fb Pixel yes or yes. In addition, you will be able to configure customized events as long as what you want to consider as a conversion does not fit into those previously mentioned.

Thanks to the Facebook pixel, you will be able to understand what the user’s actions are on the web of those individuals who enter it through the campaigns. This is nothing more than impacting audiences with characteristics similar to your personalized audiences and who, therefore, are potential customers of your business. The theory is fine, but if we want to take advantage of it, we must install it on our website. Now we explain the installation steps in two of the most famous interfaces of the web business. Its strong points are the installation of the Pixel in a single click, as easy as installing the plugin, activating it and in its changes including our advertiser account number in the plugin configuration and storing changes.

On the Make Account page, enter your account name, adjust the Account Data Sharing Settings, and then click Next. Before you can add Google+ Analytics to your WordPress site, you first have to sign up. Don’t worry, the development is quite simple and you only need a Google plus account. In the Current Theme section, click Actions and choose Edit Code. They are those events not directly related to sales but that have the possibility of later leading to a purchase.

Ga Google Plus Analytics

That is why it is said that it is a single pixel per advertising account / client. EYE the base pixel is unique, the event pixels are multiple, you can make as many as you want. We can choose any of the two options to install it, apart from having the More information option as support, where it redirects us to the Facebook Company page and explains the chosen option in detail. In this case we are going to choose the second option to lay out our code manually. The moment you have registered your Google+ Analytics account, you will get a tracking code that you have to put on your website.

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Now that the Facebook pixel is working properly, you can add the events you want to measure on your website. But, to anticipate some of its functions, thanks to its activation you will be able to know how customers behave on the website, how they interact with the ads of your campaigns and reach much more potential customers. The Facebook pixel -or Facebook pixel- is an analytical tool. We are talking about an html code that you have to insert in your web page. It helps you easily track and measure conversion rates on your web portal. The conversion can be anything like someone making a sale or someone signing up for your email list.

Additionally, if you use Woocommerce, from Social Pixel you can also turn on the tracking events PageVisit, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout and Checkout. To get the pixel identifier for LinkedIn, you must follow the following rules. Additionally, if you use Woocommerce, from Popular Pixel you can also activate the ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout and Purchase tracking events. That we must change and put the terms that we consider.

The use of this website is subject to the conditions of employment indicated. By using this website, you agree to abide by our Corporate Policy. Each and every one of the campaigns has a precise goal, associated with a certain event. To those users who have been interested in your publications and who have reacted to exactly the same. They have entered your website or a certain page of exactly the same.

The pixel allows you to track what happens when the crowd views your ads to determine if they are performing as expected. With this information, you can make specific changes that help improve the performance of your ads. You can use the pixel to locate users who have visited a specific page in your place or performed a desired action. Now, you can use this data to create profiles of specific customers of the service that help you adjust your advertising. Exactly the same as Easy Universal Google+ Analytics, this plugin embeds the Google+ Analytics tracking code on our website; but in addition, it allows to exclude the clients from the follow-up.

how to install the facebook pixel in wordpress 2021

She considers herself passionate about photography, podcasts and everything that has to do with the startup planet. Leticia Calvo is part of the GoDaddy Spain apparatus, where she writes about social networks, marketing strategies, WordPress and much more. In the event that the pixel registers this activity, you will be able to see it in the “general information” tab.

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To locate the pixel identifier for Tiktok, you have to proceed as indicated below. To get the pixel identifier for Pinterest, you have to follow as we indicate now. Below we explain how to modify the Popular Pixel plugin from scratch and get the identifiers of each platform. The only thing you need to start each pixel, according to the pretensions of your project, is to first obtain the identifier of your account. This identifier, ID, UA… is a unique code associated with each user account that, depending on the interface, can be only numeric or alphanumeric.

Contact Form 7 Google Plus Analytics

That is why what I invite you to is to tag each and every one of the events and create personalized conversions of the much more essential URLs of your business, in this way you will be able to track your funnel in greater detail. Once the extension is installed, you only have to access the website you want to review and see if the extension turns blue and some numbers appear. The moment they buy a product from us, we have to redirect them to a thank you page so that we can measure the conversion. To do this, you can choose the “test events” option and walk around your website performing those actions that would activate the events.

You should now be able to see your tracking ID and global site tag. Store both codes, since you will need them later. Follow the instructions and fill in the accurate information. Once everything is done, you will see the Finish Setup & Exit Wizard button. With well over 3 million installs, MonsterInsights is a great Google plus Analytics plugin to cover your marketing needs.

This icon includes a number at the bottom indicating the events that have been triggered at the time you have opened the web. If you want to communicate the pixel with an individual account, choose the Assign advertising accounts option, select it and click Save changes. Click on the green button “Create a Pixel”. Now you will be able to see a display where you can change the name of the Pixel.