How to Put the Page Number to an Excel Document to Organize It? – Solution

How to Put the Page Number to an Excel Document to Organize It?  - Solution

How to Put the Page Number to an Excel Document to Organize It? – Solution

Excel is known as a spreadsheet that is part of the Microsoft Office suite. However, with this tool we can do many tasks typical of the area where we work. It helps us to manage information that facilitates the handling of data, to make budgets of a company in the administrative area, etc.

Managing data and making calculations is a task that requires knowledge and also organization. In this article we will talk about a fundamental task in this field: Number the pages of an Excel document.

What versions of Excel allow adding numbers to pages?

Microsoft Office programs have continued to improve and optimize their programs and Excel has been no exception. Since 1993, when he defined the admission of applications (VBA) that allow the automation of tasks in the spreadsheet, has facilitated the customization tasks.

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Currently all recent versions of Excel allow adding or automating the numbering of the pages of a document. This has served so that users can better organize their work.

In what ways can numbering be added to the pages of an Excel?

Just as you can add an image to an Excel document, you can also add the page numbers in the header or footer of the page. We are going to talk about three ways to do it.

Creating a macro

A macro is a series of instructions that are incorporated into an Excel document with a VBA computer language to automate certain tasks that we frequently perform. They facilitate and streamline data organization tasks. In our case serve to automate page numbering of the document.

Open the Excel sheet to number, then locate the tab Developer on the panel. In the Code group, choose the Record Macro option and fill in the data in the box and specify a shortcut key.

Click OK and then run the actions to number pages of the document either in the header or footer. Go back to the code group in the Developer window and apply Stop Recording.

With an Excel formula

You can use formulas in a cell of an Excel document to know the page number of the same. However, it is not possible to number the pages of an Excel document creating a formula directly in the header or footer panel so you can do it from the taskbar.

From the task bar

Open the Insert window from the taskbar and locate the Text link. From there choose the option Header> box of text. The header will appear on the document page, you must choose where to place the page number, if on the left, center or right.

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Click on the convenient place and on the task bar, tap Page number, then the & symbol will appear in the header [Página] and ready. Automatically that page will have the number one.

What is the way to put numbers to the pages within an Excel?

As we have seen, there is more than one way to number the pages of an Excel document. We are going to show how to do it from the taskbar with Windows and MacOS.

numbering pages en excel

On a Windows 8 and 10 computer

We open the Excel document and in the toolbar we click the View window. Then we locate the Page Layout icon.

On the document page the panels will open to locate the header. We select the one of our preference where the numbering will go. Again we go to the menu and apply the Design> Page Number window and that’s it.

For a computer with MacOS system

Microsoft Office for Mac contains the spreadsheet Excel for Mac. The difference with Excel for Windows is that the format is more elegant and the names of the windows on the taskbar vary. Regardless of the version available, the procedure to number the pages in an Excel document with Mac is the same as above.

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What to do if page numbering is not allowed in an Excel document?

It is very difficult for this to happen, however, you can install the most recent version of Microsoft Excel for Windows or Mac according to the case. We must also make sure that the version of the operating system is compatible with the version of Excel.